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Is my website really infected?


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I have a personal family website. Just within the past day when going to the home page of my site I will get a pop up from Malwarebytes that states:

"Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware IP protection: Infection detected:" I have contacted the host that I have the site with and have not received any answer from them. I was wondering if this could be checked out by someone at Malwarebytes to see if the same message is displayed and what course of action I should take. My website address is: w . w . w. f r e e w e b s.com/g r e g 3 9 4 2. I have deliberatly put extra spacing in the URL so others won't click on it and possibly be infected if it's not a false positive. Any help would be appreciated.


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Though your site itself may be safe, the IP it resides on currently contains a considerable amount of malicious sites, which is why it's blocked.


If possible, I'd suggest moving the site to a different host.

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Hi Mystery FCM

Thanks you so very much for checking this out for me. As I said earlier this is the first time this message has been generated when going to my site. I have had the site with them for about 4 years now. I wonder what it would take to transfer the contents of my existing site to another site that I thought was clean? Thanks again for all your help.

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