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microsoft shadow?


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  • Root Admin

The Volume Shadow Copy service is part of the mechanism that allows open files to be copied or backed up by other programs. You should not need to disable this service under normal conditions. The only reason I can think of why it may even be alerting you is if it is currently doing a backup and even then I've never seen that reported myself by any program.

What program are you using to do the defrag and what OS and service pack level?

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The Volume Shadow Copy service is part of the mechanism that allows open files to be copied or backed up by other programs. You should not need to disable this service under normal conditions. The only reason I can think of why it may even be alerting you is if it is currently doing a backup and even then I've never seen that reported myself by any program.

What program are you using to do the defrag and what OS and service pack level?

uniblue, vista sp1. its weird i dont have restore points turned on, on any drive letter but it says something like ''your drive is protected by microsoft shadow volume service, its not recommended to defrag your drive'' this is a second extra hard drive im using it on but again restore points aren't on

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  • Root Admin
this is a second extra hard drive im using it on

When you say it's a second extra hard drive, what do you mean by that? Are you sure this is not a Recovery partition drive from the MFG ?

Typically many new systems come with a partition (often D: drive) that has files there that are used to do a system recovery in an emergency. If that is the drive you're talking about then that is correct you should not touch it for any type of defrag or other tools.

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When you say it's a second extra hard drive, what do you mean by that? Are you sure this is not a Recovery partition drive from the MFG ?

Typically many new systems come with a partition (often D: drive) that has files there that are used to do a system recovery in an emergency. If that is the drive you're talking about then that is correct you should not touch it for any type of defrag or other tools.

lol no no its a 2nd extra hard drive as in i bought a 1tb seagate hard drive and placed it into my computer so i can operate of that 1 as well as my original dell 1 that came with the computer. Its a physical drive. I dont have restore points on it but yet uniblue warns me that the drive is protected by microsoft volume shadow service. I just ignored it, was i wrong? it said uniblue doesn't recommend defragging and it said yes to continue and no to cancel

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