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Computer won't work after using Malwarebytes

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A couple of days ago I used Malwarebtyes anti-malware to get rid of the rogue virus remover Advanced Virus remover. After doing this and restarting my computer, the computer will only work for a minute and then freeze and shut off. I have no clue how to fix it and I can't access anything on the computer. At most I have the time before it freezes to open up word. does anyone know how to fix this?

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  • Staff

Try Last Known Good Configuration in the advanced boot options list.


If you're able to get access to the desktop and or our software try to get the logs or simply restore everything to see if the machine reboots properly.

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yes it says that windows has been shut down to prevent damage. It then tells you to check for viruses, if the hard drive is configured and if there is coruption, and restart.

It then says techinecal info and a line of numbers that are

*** Stop 0x0000007B (0x78AA528, 0xc000000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)

Thats all and it happens very quickly, in probably 2 seconds.

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  • Staff
yes it says that windows has been shut down to prevent damage. It then tells you to check for viruses, if the hard drive is configured and if there is coruption, and restart.

It then says techinecal info and a line of numbers that are

*** Stop 0x0000007B (0x78AA528, 0xc000000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)

Thats all and it happens very quickly, in probably 2 seconds.

Your only option may be to get the installation disks to do a repair.
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