Jump to content - GoDaddy.Com parking page - False Positive

Gary Mc

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@ Mystery

Just a question for you.

So is everything hooked to GoDaddy malicious in some way or is it just GoDaddy.com's actual IP?

This is really concerning to me because I think I a lot of people use GoDaddy and IP's affiliated with it as well, and if its malicious then well obviously that is not good!

I see GoDaddy advertised all the time on tv, mainly on Comedy Central, so I'm sure that that alone generates a lot of traffic...

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@ Mystery

Ah I see.

So the main problem is malicious advertisements then, if I am understanding you correctly?

And may I ask you to explain what a parked page is? I've never heard the term before.

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That's correct, yes.

A "parked page" is effectively, in simple terms, a page that is displayed when a website does not yet exist for a domain. For example;


Parked pages, rather than holding pages (as in the hollmen example above) are frowned upon by those such as myself because far too many of the "adverts" lead to malicious content.

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