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I can not license using an ID  &  KEY - the activate option stays grayed out. , using the old license key I can.

The setting under the Application tab -> Notifications - turn Notifications off, used to suppress scan results when nothing was found. This has been broken as now a notifications is shown when a clean scan finishes.

So I guess yet another update is coming to fix the bugs in 3.4.5, and introduce new bugs..

I am getting to the point of not installing this product on my customer's computers as it is update after update of bugs.





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The notification after scans was actually broken in previous versions.  It was always supposed to show up and to ignore the notifications disabled setting so this is actually by design and was fixed in 3.4.5.  In the future they do plan to implement more granular control over notifications, however I do not know when that will happen or which options it will provide control over.

As for the ID and Key, that actually is the oldest license key type.  Modern licenses only use a single Key string.  That said, it should work for both so if there is a problem with it I'd recommend perhaps trying a clean install using the instructions and tool in this support article and if that fails, you should consider posting the information and logs as instructed in this post so that we may take a look and see what's going on with the installation.

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