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Two versions MWB- I only installed one of them


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We've been having multiple endpoints blocking outgoing ports 17500 and 68, svchost and dropbox, all Windows 10 machines. Dropbox was exempted using the file path; no change. Also seems to be blocking our Windows VPN.  In troubleshooting I discovered that there are now two version of Malwarebytes listed as installed, when I know I only installed one (cloud version) and anti-ransomware as a standalone. 5ac785bb1b818__IMG_0493(2).JPG.4aa94d5a325a138d4a023b7d59c3682a.JPG

What's going on here?  If there is no announcement how am I to know whether this update is legit or malware spoofed with your brand?? please advice in detail on all issues.



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Thanks for the assist Kalrand. 100% spot on.

The 255 block is a UI issue that will be fixed in a Malwarebytes build update in the future, the blocks are not actually happening. VPN traffic getting blocked is known, add your VPN's URL and IP to the Exclusions list. Anti-Ransomware standalone is unneeded for cloud, it is already part of its protections, if enabled.

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