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Thank you Aura for getting my computer back

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We fell for the Windows Error#0x80072ee7 alert and called them. We typed in www.helpme.net and let them remote into our desktop computer. When we realized it was a scam we told them to disconnect but it was too late.  The last thing they said was if you don't pay us your computer will never work again. After they hung up I couldn't connect to the internet, activate Window Defender, run Office, run Malwarebytes, etc. My computer was pretty much a boat anchor. I came to this forum to ask for help and Aura answered. It took weeks of diagnostics but Aura did not give up. My computer is back up running at 100%. I can't thank you enough!

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Thank you for your feedback Ron, it's really appreciated :) You also did a good job by yourself at the end, when you compared the services running on your computer to the ones on your wife's computer, a real tech's way of thinking! ;)

Glad to see that we were able to help you and your wife!

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