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Video Player for PC. VLC?


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I just recently switched back to PC from Mac and I'm surprised how difficult it is to find  DVD playing software. I don't mind paying $$ but VLC was a good option for years.
Malwarebytes does not like the VLC player site. Is VLC Malware? If so, what is good dvd  software for windows? Thanks

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VLC Player is OpenSource software.

It should ONLY be downloaded from VideoLAN.  There are sites that masquerade as VLC Player just like there ae sites that masquerade as Mozilla Firefox updates, Java Updates, Flash Updates, etc. 

VLC Player is HIGHLY recommended.   It's versatility and capability is unmatched.

I used VLC Player to capture a video of four squirrels in my attic.




Edited by David H. Lipman
Spelling, Grammar and Clarification
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