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My MBAM Premium v3.3.1 started getting alerts for this just a few hours ago. They occur about 1-5 times a minute and are exactly like the ones in this now-closed thread: https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/215496-dropbox-255255255255-port-17500/

I've manually checked for DB updates but there are none according to the program.

Malwarebytes version:
Component package version: 1.0.262
Update package version: 1.0.3927



Edited by hvymetal86
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Hello Ron,
I used the mb-clean utility, reinstalled after reboot, re-applied my custom scan settings, ran an update (it found one even after the fresh install through the utility), then ran a scan which found no threats.

I didn't really look to see if the issue was still happening before running the cleaning tool, but 10-15 minutes later after the reinstall I haven't seen it once. Not sure if it was due to the clean reinstall or the update package version changing. The two other versions are the same but Update package version is now: 1.0.3928

Either way, glad it's not happening anymore. Thank you.

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  • Root Admin

Hi there @hvymetal86

There was an interim build of a beta that had an issue. My guess is that at some time you may have gotten that update and subsequent updates were not replacing everything correctly. Using the MB-Clean utility fully removes all and gives a fresh install.

Glad all is working well.

Take care and have a great week



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