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Hi,  wondering if anyone has run into this issue; when I was using the full version trial, my machine slowed to a crawl when launching applications, or doing anything memory intensive; is this an issue with MalwareBytes on older machines (MBP mid 2009 running El Capitan; and please don't tell me to "get a newer machine" or "upgrade the OS" as 10.11.xx is the most stable update for my Mac.)

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  • 6 months later...

Same problem here. Yesterday I upgraded to the newest MalwareByte and installed the online protection (or so, can't remember how it's called). Was a disaster. It took me hours to get the  mac (iMac with High Sierra) back to life. Even I couldn't detect anything abnormal in Activity Monitor or with EtreCheck (or First Aid from Apple), it took the mac MINUTES to complete each click. Nothing but the pizzawheel..... De-installing gave me an additional headache, couldn't even empty the trash. Had do start the mac with CCC from an external harddrive. Now I finally got rid of all the different files and I am back to normal!

Don't know what happened. I truly did like MalwareByte until today....

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The only suggestion I can give at this point is to open a ticket by contacting the Malwarebytes Support staff directly at Contact Us. They will probably want to gather some detailed information about your setup which may involve information best not posted to a public forum.

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