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why does web protection turn itself off

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As of today this still occurs. The only improvements I have seen is you can now turn it back on where before you couldn't. The question is WHY DOES IT KEEP TURNING ITSELF OFF in the first place. I am just about to the point that I cancel all my subscriptions to Malware bytes as it is not reliable. I am running the most recent version (if your update process is working). It is not a very secure feeling knowing that it is a crap shoot as to whether it is on or off.


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According to the logs you've got version 3.4.4 installed which is one version behind the latest, version 3.4.5 which was released a few days ago and included a fix for this issue.  You may download the latest version from here or open Malwarebytes and go to Settings>Application and click on the Install Application Updates button and allow it to download and install the latest version.

If that does not correct the issue please let us know.


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