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Just now, beldin_13 said:

okay! I got signed in. I am running Win 10. I cannot get Malwarebytes to open. It is still eating memory. I tried restarting my computer, tried to open as admin.,...nothing works.


Have you tried un-installing Malwarebytes? Maybe do that and just wait a bit until everything gets sorted.And after this, you may decide to uninstall permanently...

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Have you tried un-installing Malwarebytes? Maybe do that and just wait a bit until everything gets sorted.And after this, you may decide to uninstall permanently...

was trying not to go the uninstall reinstall route to avoid problems keeping my status that happened last time. May have no other choice tho... I like Malwarebytes...but this is ridiculous...

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In the Cortana search box, type run. A window will open and at the top it will show "Run" . Left click it and a box will open. Inside the box, type msconfig and click OK. When the page opens, go to the services tab and find Malwarebytes Services. Uncheck the box to the left of it and then left click OK. Allow the machine to reboot and it will come back up with Malwarebytes disabled. Your machine will then be operating normally again without Malwarebytes.


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10 minutes ago, topcat7736 said:


In the Cortana search box, type run. A window will open and at the top it will show "Run" . Left click it and a box will open. Inside the box, type msconfig and click OK. When the page opens, go to the services tab and find Malwarebytes Services. Uncheck the box to the left of it and then left click OK. Allow the machine to reboot and it will come back up with Malwarebytes disabled. Your machine will then be operating normally again without Malwarebytes.


thanks! now how do i go about getting that update? 

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The update probably won't work with the Malwarebytes on your machine. This has been a problem since they pushed out 1.0.3806. While running MB, I copied my ID and Key from the account, uninstalled MB, downloaded it from their site and reinstalled it. Then, I put the key & id back in, did an update and  Hyper Scan and all is well again. The update came as 1.0.3807 and functioned. Since then another update has arrived, 1.0.3808 and it also functions.


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26 minutes ago, beldin_13 said:

okay! I got signed in. I am running Win 10. I cannot get Malwarebytes to open. It is still eating memory. I tried restarting my computer, tried to open as admin.,...nothing works.


just curious, you say it's still eating memory.   how much?

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There are some parameters for MB which must be cleared out. Uninstalling the program and reinstalling it seems to take care of the problem. Although the version numbers are the same, some work and some don't. I had all the right numbers but the program still didn't function correctly.


I hate to have you do it again but try the uninstall from the following link:


As for Windows 10 updates,  you can disable them by using the Windows Update service. Via Control Panel > Administrative Tools, you can access Services. In the Services window, scroll down to Windows Update and turn off the process. To turn it off, right-click on the process, click on Properties and select Disabled. That will take care of Windows Updates not being installed on your machine. (Turning off updates is not good for your machine).


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54 minutes ago, topcat7736 said:


In the Cortana search box, type run. A window will open and at the top it will show "Run" . Left click it and a box will open. Inside the box, type msconfig and click OK. When the page opens, go to the services tab and find Malwarebytes Services. Uncheck the box to the left of it and then left click OK. Allow the machine to reboot and it will come back up with Malwarebytes disabled. Your machine will then be operating normally again without Malwarebytes.


Or they could go start, admin tools, services, then disable MBW there

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