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Malware bytes taking ALL memory and not responding

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My malwarebytes satrted to hog ALL of my memory, over 10GB and rising, soon hunderds of GB's and i have 8 for RAM.

It doesn't want to scan, it doesn't want to enable real time protection anymore AND it auto starts itself every time i shut it down.

It's literally become malware itself, what the censored is this?


YES and i have tried malware clean install here

Edited by Maun0
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Thanks for posting in the Malwarebytes 3 Help forum.


If you are having technical issues with our Windows product, please do the following: 


If you haven't done so already, please run these two tools and then attach the logs in your next reply:

NOTE: The tools and the information obtained is safe and not harmful to your privacy or your computer, please allow the programs to run if blocked by your system.

  • Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST)
    1. Download FRST and save it to your desktop
      Note: You need to run the version compatible with your system. You can check here if you're not sure if your computer is 32-bit or 64-bit
    2. Double-click to run FRST and when the tool opens click "Yes" to the disclaimer
    3. Press the "Scan" button
    4. This will produce two files in the same location (directory) as FRST: FRST.txt and Addition.txt
      • Leave the log files in the current location, they will be automatically collected by mb-check once you complete the next set of instructions
  • MB-Check
    1. Download MB-Check and save to your desktop
    2. Double-click to run MB-Check and within a few second the command window will open, press "Enter" to accept the EULA then click "OK" 
    3. This will produce one log file on your desktop: mb-check-results.zip
      • This file will include the FRST logs generated from the previous set of instructions
      • Attach this file to your forum post by clicking on the "Drag files here to attach, or choose files..." or simply drag the file to the attachment area

One of our experts will be able to assist you shortly.


If you are having licensing issues, please do the following: 


For any of these issues:

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  • Update Billing Info
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  • Transaction Receipt

Please contact our support team at https://support.malwarebytes.com/community/consumer/pages/contact-us to get help

If you need help looking up your license details, please head here: https://support.malwarebytes.com/docs/DOC-1264 


Thanks in advance for your patience.

-The Malwarebytes Forum Team

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This is exactly what I experienced this morning.

1. woke up PC (win 8.1, 16 GB RAM)

2. had it sit running only notepad++

3. Windows warns about low memory, wants to close notepad++ ?!?!

4. After restart and opening Task Manager I can literally watch how the Malwarebytes Service takes all the RAM available,
 500 MB, 700 MB (this is where it turns off real time web protection), 1100, 2000, 3000, 4000, 8000, etc.

5. To my horror I also saw my windows explorer taking up 8GB RAM, when I toggled MB services off it calmed down.

6. MB tells me that the license server can't be reached.

7. When trying to scan it is stuck in "searching for updates..."

A clean re-install resulted in the same behavior.

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Same here. First time it crashed my PC while I was working. I rebooted and saw the Malwarebytes service consuming all my memory quickly, like a memory leak. I can end the task and it starts up and again starts consuming all the memory. I uninstalled and reinstalled and it again starts consuming all my memory. Right now I have it uninstalled so I can research.

Here is a little from my event viewer

11:08:04 AM, event ID 7045, source Service Control manager, A service was installed in the system and it was mwac.sys

11:21:59 AM, event ID 2004, source Resource-Exhaustion-Detector, Windows successfully diagnosed a low virtual memory condition. MBAMService.exe was the big offender by far, I have 16 GB of RAM and it used almost all of it

11:22:23 Malwarebytes service terminated unexpectedly

11:22:30 AM, event ID 7045, source Service Control manager, A service was installed in the system and it was mwac.sys

11:22:31 AM, event ID 7045, source Service Control manager, A service was installed in the system and it was farflt.sys

11:22:36 AM, event ID 7045, source Service Control manager, A service was installed in the system and it was mbam.sys

11:36:41 AM, event ID 2004, source Resource-Exhaustion-Detector, Windows successfully diagnosed a low virtual memory condition. MBAMService.exe consumed the most

11:41:28, event ID 41, source kernel-Power, The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first.

11:41:368, event ID 6008, source EventLog, The previous system shutdown at 11:26:21 AM on 1/27/2018 was unexpected

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I am experiencing the same issue. Here is what Malwarebytes is doing on my Windows PC today:

At start-up Real-time protection is ON, but then turns itself OFF. The warning is displayed, but protection cannot be turned ON.

Malwarebytes progressively uses up nearly all of RAM.

Malwarebytes services can be ended using Task Manager, but then it restarts itself and continues consuming the RAM up to near the maximum.

Once Malwarebytes consume nearly all RAM, about 98%, it begins fluctuating between using 80-98% of RAM. It never seems to stop doing this.


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Hi everyone

This issue has been resolved. We have just released a patch for this issue with Database 3803. Please update to the most recent update database by clicking on Updates on the Dashboard. 




Head here for more info: 



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This morning, went to use my 2 computers. One has Windows 10, the other has Windows 7. Both warned of low memory when trying to open or use programs. On both computers had the same following symptoms: Rebooted, VERY slow reboot. Desktop comes up very slowly. Hard drive running all of the time. Task Manager shows Malwarebytes using over 4GB of RAM even though it hasn't even finished loading yet. Took forever to open control panel and Programs and Features. Finally managed to click on Malwarebytes and uninstall. Rebooted. Everything working fine with Malwarebytes uninstalled. I have a quote from Malwarebytes for installing 75 licenses for a client. FORGET IT! Will NOT be installing this product on any more customer computers! Malwarebytes has ruined a good product.


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4 minutes ago, jaywkay said:

This morning, went to use my 2 computers. One has Windows 10, the other has Windows 7. Both warned of low memory when trying to open or use programs. On both computers had the same following symptoms: Rebooted, VERY slow reboot. Desktop comes up very slowly. Hard drive running all of the time. Task Manager shows Malwarebytes using over 4GB of RAM even though it hasn't even finished loading yet. Took forever to open control panel and Programs and Features. Finally managed to click on Malwarebytes and uninstall. Rebooted. Everything working fine with Malwarebytes uninstalled. I have a quote from Malwarebytes for installing 75 licenses for a client. FORGET IT! Will NOT be installing this product on any more customer computers! Malwarebytes has ruined a good product.


Jaywkay. Please over look this rare issue. I have been using Malwarebytes for over 10 years, and they have only messed up like twice. They are also the best!!!

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I had the same problem with Windows 10 crashing.

What I noticed Malwarebytes had a red exclamation point and it was due to Real Time Web Protection being off. MB was eating up my Ram memory and CPU usage.

I turned off MB "turn on" at windows start up option. Rebooted computer and all seemed fine. Next I opened up MB and turned off "Self Protection" mode. And turned RTWprotection and it worked.


Edited by Pocho
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Have started getting calls from my customers that have businesses open on the weekend. Same problem. Can you imagine if I had this installed on every one of the 75 computers at that clients main office? Am dreading Monday morning when all the rest of my customers start calling in. I have been a user and reseller of Malwarebyte since the very beginning. I just can't afford to have this type of consequence from software I install into my customer base. (Of course I have no choice with Microsoft, which is even worse).


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9 minutes ago, jaywkay said:

Have started getting calls from my customers that have businesses open on the weekend. Same problem. Can you imagine if I had this installed on every one of the 75 computers at that clients main office? Am dreading Monday morning when all the rest of my customers start calling in. I have been a user and reseller of Malwarebyte since the very beginning. I just can't afford to have this type of consequence from software I install into my customer base. (Of course I have no choice with Microsoft, which is even worse).


Yeah, my employees, friends and family called me about the issue as well. I told them to kill the process, and in less than a few hours the problem was solved! NO other company is that fast to fix their issues! People make mistakes! Programs are made by people, as are the updates. I lost time today, trying to work, but couldn't. It was a very, very minor issue, and as far as I know, a first of this type, for Malwarebytes. Again, please give them another chance!

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How do I prevent MBAM from even starting on WIndows 7 bootup? I have exited via the task bar option but the application starts up automatically. Now I discovered ESET Endpoint Service is not able to start. I had to boot into safe mode and uninstall Eset Endpoint boot back into normal mode and reinstall and reactivate ESET..

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I am new to this forum but I had the same issue starting today.  My PC was non responsive and I attempted to reboot.  With a reboot it was still unresponsive.  Task manager showed 97 percent memory usage.  I have a ton of RAM so I was shocked, especially since nothing much was running.  I got into the performance manager of task manager and saw MalwareBytes was taking all the memory.  I tried to stop it running and gor "Access Denied" errors.    I had toplay with the timing to reboot and IMMEDIATELY uninstall MalwareBytes .  First attempt gave access denied errors again, but eventually was uninstalled.  After a new reboot, PC performance was normal again.  Note, I am a paid premium member but I am afraid to re-install MalwareBytes at this point.

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