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Hello, I'm a new user to Malwarebytes for Android. I installed the app from the Play Store, but after opening it, it says, "Oh Snap! Your request timed out." Tried uninstalling & installing. Different Wi-Fi/ cellular networks. But no luck! I love Malwarebytes in my Windows computer & notebook but this is really disgusting. Can anyone please help me!? Thanks!


[Device: Samsung Galaxy Note5, OS: Lineage OS 14.1, Root access: Enabled]


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The LinageOS is not the same as the Android OS. However, I suspect if the Lineage OS is 14.1 than the Android OS is 7.1.

@Fury98 It could be that since LineageOS isn't Google-branded that the Google Play store being used isn't legitimate, and/or Malwarebytes for Android can't verify since it isn't a genuine version of Google Play.  You may want to try to find a different source to install Google Play.  I found this on Lineage's website: https://wiki.lineageos.org/gapps.html


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Hello, do not mind annoying in this matter. What does this message mean? "Oh, snap!
Your request "In concrete terms, what can one refer back to? What causes could it have?

Maybe it's just a connection problem over Wi-Fi. And it works as it should.

Please change your Wi-Fi chanal by the router, maybe it helps. Just so in the blue.


Please be careful what you make, in this issue!!!

Some important Links in this issue:


---> https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/change-wifi-admin-tool-xfinity-xfi

---> https://www.lifewire.com/wifi-channel-number-change-to-avoid-interference-818208



I think you have to many wifi connections in your  neighborhood. This causes interference with you.

Now that's just a guess from me.



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I read your posting #3 from you, you have two wifi connections?

Is this right?

Erase, one of the both.

And use only one of it.

Please to figure out what going on in your neighborhood in terms of wireless internet or interferences.

Please try this, Fing, --> https://www.fing.io/

The Free version of it.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, maybe another app on your device has a proxy set up?

Take a look at your device.

Take a look at this link how to set it up, and probably remove it again. ---> https://www.howtogeek.com/295048/how-to-configure-a-proxy-server-on-android/


Or, read this too, ----> https://forums.androidcentral.com/ask-question/480566-why-cant-i-turn-off-proxy-settings-permanently.html


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