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Same 36 PUPs on every scan

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My Win 10 computer is protected by MWB 3.3.1.  Every scan comes up with the same 36 PUPs.  I quarantine them and on the next scan, MWB finds them again.

Here's one of the quarantined items:

C:\Users\Ronald\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Sync Extension Settings\mjkcdpcenfkkhlcbfeddiannpeenpilh, No Action By User, [2142], [454579],1.0.3670

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4 minutes ago, rbdaves said:

Every scan comes up with the same 36 PUPs. 

Browser-related remediation (especially concerning preference/configuration files) can be particularly troublesome given the safeguards built into the browsers, along with syncing mechanisms and other complications associated with Internet browsers. The issue you're experiencing is likely caused by the syncing mechanism associated with your Google account.

Malwarebytes is successfully removing the detected items and Google is syncing the items straight back. This is not an issue with the Malwarebytes product, but rather a limitation with Google Chrome/Google sync.

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