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Hoping someone can shed some light onto this. I'm very security conscious and like to run a scan regularly. I always run a scan of an installer before anything gets installed on my machine. Went to do that tonight and the option to scan when I right click wasn't there. I thought i strange so went to open the program and realised it wasn't on my machine any more. I am 2000% certain I didn't uninstall it as why would I when i just renewed my license. I checked the installed program list and sure enough its gone. Had a look on my C:/Program Files and sure enough the folder was there and it was empty.

Anyway I have trawled through my event log to see if it shows when it was uninstalled and cant see anything. I have since re-downloaded and installed Malwarebytes 3 and without doing anything else its picked up where it left off. Already activated with my license and shows when I last scanned etc. how is it possible the program was uninstalled one minute and back the next as if I didn't delete it.


Needless to say a full scan is in progress. It does look like it has found some dodgy registry keys.

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Hello and Welcome....

Hard to tell what may have happened without running some tools and collecting lots of logs... Not sure what version of Malwarebytes you had installed, but at one point they did have on version out there that when upgraded, it asked for a reboot, and it never installed the new version.... that is only one possibility of course.

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Thanks for your input. Happy to get some logs if it helps. Really keen to figure out what happened. I have no idea what version it was but I can tell you what it is now.


How long ago was it that the version never installed the new one? Last 3 months? When it was reinstalled it said the last scan was 91 days ago. Not sure how accurate this is as I have it scan one a week. but if it was uninstalled it wouldn't have been there to scan. 


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16 minutes ago, commandosqueak said:

How long ago was it that the version never installed the new one?

Honestly I don't remember how long that has been... sorry. 

As mentioned if you have not scanned in 91 days, check to make sure your scan schedule is set to scan at a time when the computer is on, as Malwarebytes can not wake up the computer to run a scheduled scan.

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  • Root Admin

Yes, I believe @Firefox is probably correct. There was an update that got stuck in a loop sort of and inadvertently ended up removing Malwarebytes. That has been a while now though and not easy to determine for sure at this point.

If you like we can help you to scan for any possible infections and help to remove them if found.

Thank you @commandosqueak



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