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I'd like to find out more information about the malware i found on my spare computer. Malwarebytes detects them as "Trojan.Agent", but I'd like to know the specific details on what it does.

Is it possible to submit the files for detection and see exactly what they do?




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20 hours ago, ncodex said:

I'd like to find out more information about the malware i found on my spare computer. Malwarebytes detects them as "Trojan.Agent",

The fact they are detected is a good thing. If they are not detected by Malwarebytes they can be summited HERE.

20 hours ago, ncodex said:

Is it possible to submit the files for detection and see exactly what they do?

Threats are created every day and it is difficult to explain in plain terms in real time what they do and how. It also shows bad guys how we figure them out and clean/block them.  

We have a section where we can assist you in removing malware, please see Click-HERE

If you are super concerned about the damage/risk to your computer then format it and change all your logins to every site /service you use. And be a little more proactive/careful about what you do with your computer and what software you install and where it comes from.

The Premium version of Malware can help you prevent being infected in the first place. I would not use Windows without it.:)

Edited by Porthos
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We do have this list here: https://blog.malwarebytes.com/threats/, specifically: https://blog.malwarebytes.com/detections/trojan-agent/

That being said, knowing the classification of threats is a huge help in of itself. For instance, this is a trojan. Trojans really only serve one purpose which is to disguise themselves as something else, and download malicious files in the background. 

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