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Is it normal for scans to take 6.5 hours?

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My scan time is around 5 to 6 hours. This morning it was still running after 6.5 hours. I'll schedule it to start earlier in the night in future but I was wondering if 6 hours is normal or not.

Around 360,000 items scanned.

About 280GB of data, email, MS office documents, music and video.

Scan report attached.

My laptop runs Windows 10 64-bit with a i7-4910MQ CPU, 16GB RAM and a 1TB SSD.

Thanks for any feedback.

Scan report.txt

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5 hours ago, Tripod said:

My scan time is around 5 to 6 hours. This morning it was still running after 6.5 hours. I'll schedule it to start earlier in the night in future

Your computer might have gone to sleep during the scan. And when you woke it up it resumed the scan and finished.

Also, scheduled scans are designed to run at a lower priority than manual scans.  What happens when you run a manual scan be sure you do not try to do anything else at the same time. 

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Thanks Porthos,

I understand it's best not to do anything else while MB is scanning. That's why I schedule auto scans for the middle of the night. It was great when it was always completed before I needed the computer in the morning.

Is there anything I can do to stop the laptop going to sleep mid scan in the middle of the night. It wakes up to do the scan. Why does it go back to sleep before finishing?

This hasn't happened before. Might be something to do with the recent Windows/Intel flaw updates?

Also, is 6 hours typical when nothing else is going on?

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