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MBAM Deactivated Defender?

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I am wondering if my computer has been breached OR something changed with MBAM.

i just noticed that windows defender (Win 10 x64 1709) was disabled and it indicated that MBAM was the registered AV.

this has never been the case, in fact WIndows Defender was active less than 24 hrs ago.

the MBAM Settings>Application>Windows Action Center has ALWAYS been, since day 1 of using MBAM, set to the recommended setting.

MBAM is now v i dont know what version was running before that, or when it got updated, but i use my computer all day everyday and it is set to auto update both app and AV definitions.

THE QUESTION: did the latest MBAM change something related to how it registers with Windows Action Center that caused defender to deactivate or is there some other reason for this I should be worried about?

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22 minutes ago, dcollins said:

I do know that if Defender is turned off for more than 30 seconds, Malwarebytes will register. I wonder if perhaps Defender took too long to startup at some point so we registered in it's place.

Devin that is why I always set my clients computers to never register. Even if you turn Defender off on purpose like some software installers ask, you can not turn it back on. And in 1709 since the system tray icon is all in one now it will still show green because MB is taken over and the computer is still "protected"

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