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Web Protection won't stay on

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  • 1 month later...


I have to say, I think MB developers need a bit of a wake-up on this.

No doubt the majority of users are just not reporting it, assuming its ok, or not caring.

I have taken earlier steps twice, re-installing the MB3 app, doing restarts etc etc. 

My current update package version is: 1.0.3871

Yet, the "Real-Time Protection turned off" message still comes back. It all works fine after the re-install etc for a few days, then m-BAM ... same problem.
Some things I do that may help in recreating this ... I often Hibernate (Win 10). My internet takes a while to connect once I login for some reason - seen this in last few months. It's cable and on all the time, but when Windows logs in it can take a few minutes to get web results. A bit strange, and may be related to the issue. I mention it as testers may be missing something like that.

I have now added the exclusions, can't restart now, but will soon and see if that fixes it.




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6 hours ago, dcollins said:

@mwituni we have actually found the cause of the issue and a solution was released in our beta build last month. However the beta build had more issues that prevented a full release. Once those other issues are resolved, we should be able to release a version that fixes this issue.

Good to know, thanks.

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