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I throw in the towel and am totally frustrated

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I followed all the instructions to bypass that stupid MS feature of not allowing programs to run and am not able to run frst at all.  I don't know what to do now to get MS to give me my computer back so I can move on to finding out why my MLBYTS web protection keeps turning off. 

Your instructions to bypass the MS feature is not working on my Windows 10 version 10.0.16299 build 16299.  My God is there anything you can do to help me maybe hack around that stupid MS feature so I can attend to finding out why MLWBtyes web protection keeps turning off.  I am at wits end ready to trash puter and learn about Lynix and wipe all files off this stupid HP laptop pudt Lynix on it or save up my money  to buy an Apple. Grin




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