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Please Define "Mix and Match"

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I apologize if this question is answered somewhere - I can't find the answer.

This question is about buying licenses for BOTH Windows and Android.

The Buy Now page at https://www.malwarebytes.com/pricing/inapp/pc/v1/?ref=free&qty=1&x-source=inproduct&x-action=comparison_chart

implies I can buy two licenses and "mix and match" them. Does "mix and match" mean that I can use one of the two for my PC and the other for my Android phone? Some of the android-licensing Q/A's on the forum make it sound like if I want premium on my phone, I HAVE to buy the license thru Google Play, not thru the Malwarebytes web site.

I'd like to be able to make one purchase on the web site of two licenses, but I'm afraid that if I do, I won't be able to use the second on my phone.

Thank you.

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If you only just want a license for a Android device, then go thru Google Play to have a subscription.   { go to Goole Play on that device}.

If you need for a combination of different operating system  ( Windows & or Mac & or Android) then make the purchase thru the column "Malwarebytes Premium for Home".

At the top right corner, there is a box to pick the number of devices that you need the license for   ( 1 to 10).

You would have one license that covers the number of devices you selected.

This new type of license allows the use of one license across a mix of system types.  Just be sure you properly pick the number of devices to cover.

I hope this helps.

Happy New Year.

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On 12/30/2017 at 11:16 AM, PeteB0 said:

Thank you! Sounds like I'm reading the web site correctly: I will buy a 2-license, 1 year subscription for $49.99, and I'll be able to protect my Windows PC with one of the licenses and my Android phone with the other license. Thank you!

You are welcome.   The same subscription  license ( for 2 devices) will cover the Windows & the Android phone).

Happy New Year.

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