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web protect wont stay on

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Yesterday web protection turned off and it wont turn back on.  This started happening soon after a family member went to a sports website.  At the same time, some keys on tis laptop stopped working.  I do not know if it is all related.  I saw on a different tread to enable beta malware bytes and by doing that I was able to run a scan.  Before that time, all scans were failing too.


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7 minutes ago, lilhokie said:

Yesterday web protection turned off and it wont turn back on.


"controllers_version" : "1.0.0",

Let us get a clean install of the current version. 3.3.1


We have another tool called MB-Clean which will automate the whole process for you.

 Tool can be found at https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/mb_clean


1. After downloading the tool run the tool.

2. The tool will automatically clean up the older possibly damaged installation and will ask you for a restart.

3. Restart your system and then the MB-Clean tool will prompt you to re-install the latest product .

4. Click on "Yes" to reinstall MB 3.×.

5. Now you will have the latest product installed. If it does not offer the new install after the reboot you can download and install from here. 


 Please let me know if you are still seeing issues after the latest product install.

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27 minutes ago, lilhokie said:

New logs attached

You received Avast when you upgraded ccleaner. :( I suspected that and wanted to be sure. P.S Avast owns Ccleaner. ;)


CCleaner (HKLM\...\CCleaner) (Version: 5.38 - Piriform)

Your first log showed ver 5.30.

It is up to you if you keep Avast or not. I personally use Defender. 

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  • Root Admin

I must ask though. Why are you using CCleaner in the first place? What is it really doing for you? I'd say ditch it and use what's already built-in to Windows. If you think you're cleaning your computer of privacy information then think again. If your computer is picked up for legal reasons and has a forensic analysis done on it then CCleaner is not going to help you.

This article helps to explain a bit more why you really don't need it unless you're just being picky about wanting such items removed.


I used to install it on all my computers years ago (mostly to play with it and see what it did) but have not installed it now on any computers for a few years. I mostly use built-in tools to maintain Windows.




Edited by AdvancedSetup
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