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Up hill battle

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Hey everyone new to the forum. Apologize if this is the wrong way to go about this. So for the last few months I have had nothing but issues with most of my devices my phone and cpu were both new devices not to long ago. I have had to reformat both devices numerous times due to missing files or  freezing. I have used Malwarebytes for sometime now and it has not picked up on any rootkits or malware. I use Linux  a lot and I have had the same issues happen with my Linux machines. I have ran some scanners and noticed man in the middle attacks show up on a few of my scanners and sniffers I have used on my network. I have tried everything to rid of this but it seems to always find its way back on my machines or devices. Any ideas what else I can do Malwarebytes doesn't seem to find issues. I was using comodo firewall for a bit it seemed to work for few days and then my password was disabled from the program. I'm kind getting tired of having to reset my windows machines. And my Linux machines will do the same they just get all messed up files end up missing or access denied. Any help would be appreciated . And my modem password constantly is changed. ill change it and no sooner later when I log on to diag issues I have to reset modem password. I have had to have my internet provider come to reset ports or fix some of the issues but they seem to be temporary fixes. Thanks for your time (ps  its a windows machine) my mistake 

Edited by bother187
stated wrong OS
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