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Rookit Driver DDR Error after Reboot

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     I have been having an issue with Malwarebytes 3 for the past few weeks that seems to elude all attempts to rectify it. Every morning after Booting my PC, I attempt to manually open the MB GUI to manually scan the system, but upon doing so I get a pop up window saying that the "Anti-Rookit DDR Driver is unable to load" and asks if I want to reboot to correct the problem. (See Attachments) After Rebooting the error windows doesn't pop up again and I am able to proceed normally. Doesn't seem like a big deal, but I use the PC at a small business and some mornings I am short on time from the word go, so having to take time to reboot the PC just adds to the list of "Things to Do". It wouldn't bother me as much if we weren't experiencing the highest volume of Hacking in the history of computers, and being that said PC contains Sensitive Customer Information, the last thing I need to do is let my guard down. 

     Therefore I have been in touch with customer support for the entire time that the issue has been occuring, and they have had me do test after test and subsequently send them logs of the results. I have uninstalled, reinstalled, installed beta versions, U name it! But still the Dreaded POP UP! If anyone else has been experiencing a similar issue and has solved it, I would Greatly Appreciate a Nudge in the Right Direction, Please. To better illustrate the issue, I have attached several sets of Diagnostic Logs, as well as a screenshot of the Pop Up Error Message.

                                                                                                                                                            Thanx for your assistance, Nate 

11-8-2017 Popup Message on 1st Boot Up.jpg

11-8-2017 Desktop after initial Reboot.jpg

11-8-2017 MB.txt

11-8-2017 Resulting Scan.jpg

11-8-2017 Scan Report after Reboot.txt


Addition (After clean install of Beta Version).txt


FRST (After clean install of Beta Version).txt


mb-check-results (after clean install of Beta Version).zip

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