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Stupid user names


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This website is much like most websites when creating user names. It does not tell us the rules for the user name and then when we enter something that is incorrect it says it is incorrect. This website is not much like most websites in that it does not tell us the rules even if it complains that we did it wrong.

I usually try creating a user name using my real name with a space between first and last. I assume the space is not allowed in the user name here and that is fine but the account creation page does not tell us what the rules are; it just complains if we do it wrong.

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  • Root Admin

Thank you for the feedback @IsThisAllowed

I just looked at it myself and can see what  you mean. This is a newer form. Our older form listed the rules of creation. I'll check with the other on the Team and see what we can do about updating the account creation form.




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