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Files getting blocked from running

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Dear Support

I have a clean version of v3.3.1 installed yesterday (24/12/2017) & already I am getting MWB blocking 'exe' files which are scanned & clean.

I have added the particular folder that holds this file in question to the exclusions, but it still blocks it from running & displays an IP address, which I know the site is fine, but I only need to install the app.

Why doesn't MWB give us an option to either block or allow files and websites we know are fine ? I am fine with MWB detecting false positives, but its frustrating not to to be given an option.



Edited by Tenpenny
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I was trying to install the app "Moo0 File Shredder", which I have had previously installed on my system and MWB had never flagged it as suspicious. Yesterday when I tried to install it, MWB was blocking the exe from running, but it did not give me an option either to accept, ignore, or block it altogether it the event I suspected it was suspicious. I tried to exclude it under the "Exclusions" option, but it would still get blocked.

MWB pop-up did mention the app was trying to connect to the internet and provided the website link & IP address claiming the site was malicious. (bin.moo0.com - P The file itself was scanned with multiple other scanners and all showed up clean.

I have been using this app or a very long time & from what I can see Moo0 thrid party apps and not flagged as suspicious on the internet with multiple download sites, though one can never be 100% certain I guess.

Anyway the way I got around this was to momentarily deactivate the my connection to the internet, install the app and re-connect, though I don't know why MWB does not give you an option anymore to accept, ignore or block a file or website there on the spot.

Thanks for you reply and help





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