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I have done everything on this site. I am an advanced user and I began with 4 ELEX hits. I subsequently in october reset sync and chrome, looked up webdata in my appdata folder and deleted it. That got rid of one. Then I reset chrome and sync options as outlined by these forums did a clean install of the latest chrome (yes if you do the FIX the subsequent scan will bring on about 10 or so ELEX ShrCln. and A ton of othe pups That is because when you run FIX from the FRST it will eliminate your extensions, specifiacly adbloc and ABP if you use it. So I reinstalled those ran scan again got rid of all the miscellanous hits and was left with ONE ELEX. This one , however, will say it successfully removes and Malwarebytes initiates a restart, yet upon looking at the result, it does say it was actually replaced and or moved? So I am left with one stubborn ELEX that MAlwarebytee hotfixes listed in these forums and the work I am doing with a support tech wia email ad his hotfixes. Is MAlwarebytes going to resolve this issue or are we to continue with hacks?

Thnak you.

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OK I followed the second set instruction from meeimoos. I used IE while navigating these had sync in chrome turned off the entire time, in fact since restting sync I did not open chrome again until all steps of the second set of instruction completed I scanned again with negative result. Then I scanned once more when I reinitiated chrome sync and came negative hit again. I also did install and use ADW. SO right now I am clean. I did not want this to be mananged on exclusions because if i have a pup I dont want to hide it from my licensed malware removal product no matter how non-invasive which I know it is. I am hoping for a full address of this ELEX thing with regard to chrome sync in the next MWB update. If it comes back, which I beleive it will (maybe) I will post again. Please let me know that the devs are actively seeking resolution. But for now it is gone.

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