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MB Scan stuck on "Memory Objects"

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My Malwarebytes Threat Scan starts normally but it seems to get stuck on "Scan Memory" or "Currently Scanning:  Memory Objects" now.  Usually it gets past that stage and goes on to "Scan Startup Files" and beyond within a few minutes but now it hangs on this part and doesn't go on.  In other words, the "Items Scanned" line stops at a certain number.  However, the time elapsed number keeps increasing.  The green circle above "Scan Memory" keeps rotating.

I've tried uninstalling and then reinstalling MB and that didn't fix things.

I can't think of anything I've done recently to cause a problem with this.  I also did a Microsoft Security Essentials scan and that came up clean.



Any ideas?

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35 minutes ago, Porthos said:

Does the scan ever finish and are all programs and browsers closed during the entire scan?

One time I waited about 50 minutes and it hadn't moved on from the point I mentioned (usually I cancel the scan if it doesn't move beyond this point in 10 minutes).  Usually the entire Threat Scan process (from checking for updates to getting done) takes me about 30-40 minutes.  I am pretty sure I had programs and browsers closed though before this recent update (to component package .262) I could browse Chrome with the Threat Scan running and it worked okay.



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