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Real-time protection not turning on

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The last few days, I get the pop-up that real-time protection is not enabled, and it suggests to turn Web-protection and Ransomware protection on. Unfortunately it is not possible to turn it back on.

I followed another post (

) where it suggests to add exceptions, which I did.

It seems now the ransomware protection can be enabled (at least sometimes it stays enabled), but the real-time web-protection cannot be turned on.

I attached the scan-results like suggested in the other post.

Can someone take a look what might be wrong? I don't know what to do ...

(MWB 3.2.2 - Win7 Prof x64)







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Thanks Devin,

I upgraded to 3.3.1 and it seems to be working now. The web-protection and ransomware protection are staying "on" now.

I am still curious, why it all for sudden (within the last 2 days) broke without me doing anything unusual.

Do you have a website that someone can browse which should throw an alarm (and block it)? I don't really want to go to a website from a report 2 days ago (which is most likely malicious) to test 

Thanks a lot,


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