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One of our sites `alpha.lam.co.uk` is being blocked... as can be viewed on:


We do not host or promote any Malicious code neither do any suspicious activity, so please delist our site or provide information of why is been blocked so we can fixit (if applicable)

Please find attached the `protection log` of the last event.

Fell free to ask any question related to `delist` this site as soon as possible.

PS: I recommend to add `hosts-file.net` report in the `Please Read Before Reporting A False Positive` guide.
PS2: In that page, the referred entries links for the Knowledgebase are dead. (`Website Blocking FAQs` & `Software Blocked`)


Edited by adm
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There's a typo in the message (subject & content). (thanks @pondus)
It's not "alpha.lam.co.uk", the right one is "alpha-lam.co.uk" (with dash instead of dot) as can be viewed on host-file.net report.
Sorry for the confusion.

(I can't edit the post, if you can, this can be also removed, thanks)

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Thanks for the reply.
But why?... What's the reason to consider that link as a malware or insecure?
Can you provide the guidelines, the list or the criterias you're system is using to consider our website as dangerous?

We are absolutly legal and our swepstakes are registered and fullfill current legislation in every country we operate.
Please provide more information so we can solve this issue.

Thank's again for the reply.

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