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We detect that malwarebytes Endpoint Protection is blocking access to ssl0.ovh.net (IP by modifying the result of the DNS query to 127.42.0.x

This is happening on 2 machines where EP is installed. The domain name is used as SMTP server, so email is not working.

I've tried adding an exclusion for ssl0.ovh.net in the cloud console with no luck. Please help. Thanks in advance. 

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57 minutes ago, MysteryFCM said:

We're not blocking the hostname or it' IP. Can you post your protection log please?

I'm sorry, I just realized this is the section for Malwarebytes for home. I am using Endpoint Protection, is it the same? In case, can you please move to the correct section? Anyway, my issue persists. How can I collect the protection log? Thanks again.

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Mystery is correct here we would definitely want the a capture or log of the detection if one is available. If this is not generating a detection it may be interference in the DNS by the web protection module.

Can we temporarily disable the Web Protection layer in the Settings > Policy for the the affected endpoint, and see if this issue persists?

Many Thanks

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