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Since when is MBAM a subscription ?

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I've used MBAM for years as my antimalware program, with good results. However, it was always a case of me buying the software; not as a subscription. Today I got a couple of emails about not being able to charge me for my subscription to MBAM - something I've never seen before. If it's true, that MBAM 3.0 is a service I'm paying to use on an ongoing basis, please cancel my account, and I will happily switch to another antimalware vendor. 

And if when I paid for MBAM there indeed was something in the fine print saying I was paying a subscription, not buying it, it must have been in pretty damn small type, because I know I never read that, and if I did, I would never go along with that. Microsoft is already screwing me with their Office365 subscription, I certainly don't need another program doing that. So, close my account, and send me a notification that's been done, because I'm disgusted with this, and am going to another solution.


Joseph Snyder

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