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Still Can't Enable Web Protection Over A Week Later

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the online malware protection is of the main reasons i keep renewing my premium subscription, and its been over a week since its been defective. it doesnt matter what i do, there is no solutions. i cannot browse the internet normally without it, so when can we expect a fix. obviously im frustrated, because im paying for a service that is totally broken. 

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  • Staff

Hello derej,

Without at least the mb-check, there isn't much the Developers can do to try to figure out why it's not working on your machine - as dcollins pointed out to you over here https://forums.staff.mb-internal.com/index.php?showtopic=104692

We don't  know what version of the software you're on, or if you have another AV onboard that may be interfering.  Please at least run mb-check - the tool completes within about a minute.  Please download our diagnostic tool, mb-check.exe to your Desktop from this link:  https://downloads.malwarebytes.org/file/mb3_check

Double-click it to run it. A black command prompt window will appear momentarily and will close after a few seconds.

A folder named *mb-check-results.zip* will be saved to your Desktop.
Please attach this log to your next reply. 

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You may want to start by taking the Compatibility settings off the Malwarebytes Program

I see you are running MB in compatibility mode. Please remove those settings. Then restart your computer.

  1. Go to the folder C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\
  2. Find the file mbam.exe and right click on it and choose Properties
  3. In the window that pops up click on Compatibility Tab
  4. Remove any changes there that don't match my picture below and click OK


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