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I've just done a System Restore to set my computer, and hence MWB, back to last week before the latest update.  Or at least I think I have: / 1.0.236 / 1.0.3513.  I've launched Firefox ESR twice on my XP/SP3 machine, two instances are showing in Task Manager but there's no Firefox window showing, and the previous one seized up completely so I had to shut it down.

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4 hours ago, alisp said:

I expect it to have updated to the latest build, not just the latest malware definitions or whatever.  Am I being unrealistic?

Builds are metered out and it may not have been your time yet hence why you did not have it yet. As the above post says you can override the metering with the instructions given.

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Hi again dcollins, new set of mb-check results attached.  NB: they were done with the version I downloaded in November, as I can't get online to get at any newer version.  I don't know whether that will make any difference.

Wrt Word files, the computer will currently open existing ones, but seems not to import or export them into/from my specialist software.  Neither Firefox ESR nor Internet Explorer 8 will launch.


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