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Malwarebytes taking a lot of RAM resources constantly

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Purchased Makwarebytes professional and installed on Windows Server 2012 R2.  The RAM resources in use is over 3GB and this is constantly being taken up by the application.

Why.  I had to kill the services in order stop the application as it seems that the application thinks the server is there service malwarebytes and not our company's workload.  Is this normal as far as resource requirements?  Is there a way optimized this tool?  Installation was simply download and run your basic installer so you can expect that the application is installed using a default configuration, if this bit of info helps.


Any suggestions would be appreciated.



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Hello and Welcome to Malwarebytes.

At this time Malwarebytes is not supported on a Windows Server operating system including your 2012r2.  It will install and run, but depending on what you have on that server it may cause issues such as what your seeing.  Below are the software requirements taken from the main site.



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Thanks... sorry when I saw "Business" I assumed they meant real server driven ones...I will uninstall..my fault should have investigated before I purchased a two year deal.  Seems to work as far as removing malware so that is a good thing.  It did find and remove issues we were hoping it would remove so that says something for the product.  Hope you get your server version out soon.

Thanks for the quick feedback.

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