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Regarding the artificial incompatibility between Malwarebytes free and MBAR


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I am very disappointed in the direction Malwrebytes has been going lately most noticeably in the recent introduction of this incompatibility between the Malwarebytes free edition and the Malwarebytes anti ransomware beta. I cant help but think this incompatibility was artificially created because the two programs have been able to run side by side for a long time before a recent update of my scanner introduced this flaw. The reason I am so disappointed is because Its quite clearly an attempt to strong arm users into purchasing features that they do not need or use. In my case I have a real time scanner and other security software and to be honest I only really use Malwrebytes in case something gets past my main antivirus. So I figured I would write to point out that you have essentially lost a user I chose to use the stand alone anti ransomware module and have completely uninstalled the main Malwarebytes application. I will be looking elsewhere for my on demand scanning needs.

Edited by MikeLoeven
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