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Since an OS update #KB4054517 was installed yesterday, MalwareBytes Premium will not allow Real-Time protection. If you turn it ON then after about 3 seconds it turns OFF. I also use Windows Defender. This combination has worked well for me but now it fails. Anyone else had this problem or know what I should do?

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It looks like you have a bad controller version. Let's try to update it by going to Settings -> Applications and clicking Check for Updates. Then reboot, and wait 5 minutes to see if Web Protection stays on. If it doesn't stay on, then try downloading the full installer from https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/mb3 and install it over top of your existing install

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Hi Devin,

Here is a screen snip that shows what the MS update modified and it looks like the changes to Windows Defender may be what is causing the problem. The other day this update from MS failed so I had to remove that item and re-install it and this time it did not fail.

SS-MB problem.JPG

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Hi Devin,

I did the full installer as per your instructions and now MB works as it should with the Real-Time option ON.

Yesterday I added MB to the list of programs that Windows Defender will allow though the Firewall thinking that this might be the problem. However it did not help. Here is ascreen snip that shows the list with MB and the options that I gave it. Should this be removed not or just leave it?

Cheers, Arnie



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9 minutes ago, ArnieK said:

I did the full installer as per your instructions and now MB works as it should with the Real-Time option ON.

That is as Devin mentioned happened because you had a "bad controller version" and the install fixed it. I think the Windows update was just a coincidence.

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