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can you tell me more about this website blocking, please?


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Hi! i got a website-blocking recently, can you take a look into the logs and tell me what was it, please?

and, since i'm not tech savvy, i really need to ask you:

-when a website gets blocked, is it ''all'', "100%" prevented? may it happen that i get a malware EVEN if i block a website?

- can you suggest me any other thing to do if i get a website-blocking (like running an adwcleaner scan?), to be sure i'm still safe?

- why does it happen frequently that, while surfing, websites got blocked? like.. one time out of three? they are most of the times malicious ads, i think, that are attached to the websites i'm visiting...who knows? is internet really so full of malwares every corner?

- i run kaspersky internet security alongside mbam, do they conflict each other and may it happen that one blocks the other from web-blocking? why most of the times MBAM comes first?

thank you, please answer, i really appreciate your work! 




Edited by ParanoiaBoy
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If you get a web protection block it is highly likely there was malicious content blocked. Domains/websites/IPs are highly dynamic and are constantly changing. It is recommended to run a scan after any suspected malicious activity on your system. 

Layered security is also a good practice.

We block many malicious ads and malvertizing. 

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