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I created this account from the exact same email I used to sign up for Malwarebytes PRO, and though I sent probably half a dozen emails to support staff (because I was dumb enough to forget my password) I got half a dozen emails back saying (basically) "[I don't know how to resolve that] I'm forwarding your message to [someone]," then I get a message back that says (basically) "Did I solve your problem, otherwise I will close this ticket?" So, I replied (a few times), "No, no one reset my password like I asked." And then....eventually you forgot about me.

OK, fine. But what irritates me is that even as shotclock2 I can't even edit my own profile? I get this message: "You are not allowed to edit this profile."

Srs, WTF?

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32 minutes ago, shotclock2 said:

But what irritates me is that even as shotclock2 I can't even edit my own profile? I get this message: "You are not allowed to edit this profile."

With the current rules/limits even your old account with 19 posts would not be allowed to edit the profile.


Edited by Porthos
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