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Malwarebytes has started closing Google


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I have noticed that an issue has come up where Malwarebytes will do a scan and will close my Google browser.  Not sure why or if there is a fix.  In the scan it shows that there are two PUP's, one is "ASK" and the other is "CONDUIT".  Do these need removed, and if so, how is it to be done?  This has popped up within the past week, and no new software or programs have been added to my knowledge, and I am the only user on the computer.

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Tried as directed Above,

Installed Application Updates


Then ran the Threat Scan

Results were: 10 Potentialy Unwanted Programs

Now I am using Windows 10 Operating System.  Not sure if those ASK and CONDUIT are in the Google Browser or where, and how to get rid of them if they are the issue. 

Threat Scan results.txt

Edited by Liberty-Medic
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5 minutes ago, Liberty-Medic said:

Results were: 10 Potentialy Unwanted Programs

Follow the instructions in this link to clear your current problem: https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/214325-chrome-secure-preferences-detection-always-comes-back/

Be aware there are two posts in that thread, if the first instruction does not help move onto the second....

Let me know if the issue is cleared

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