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One of two laptops operating behind a connection with a home router has for a second time lost its original, built in Windows firewall from operating.  A solid, reputable repair technician had a devil of a time bringing it back to life.  A second laptop of different origin has not had any problem.

HP Pavilion 3 years old, personal, light personal use

OS evolved from a Windows 8 to 8.1 to 10 ....  for over a year with 10

Intel i7 processor    64 bit OS ,  64-based processor

I am overseas now in S. America.  Would like to get a FREE firewall to install on to the afflicted HP I have seen passable to good reviews on Zone Alarm and arguably better with Comodo.

I am assuming either one (or another nominated one)  would not interfere with MB.   Zone Alarm has during early installation an allowance to turn off an anti-virus feature.

Any recommendations ....any incompatibility features interfering with MB that I should be aware of ....  Simplicity of installation and usage would be appreciated.

My gratitude ahead to you for your reply.





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To the best of my knowledge, yes, it should be.  While I have not tested the two together personally, I do not recall seeing any reports of any issues when using the two of them together and of course given the design of Malwarebytes to attempt to be as accommodating as possible to other security software/tools, I don't expect there to be any conflicts between the two.

That said, if any compatibility issues are encountered, configuring exclusions between the two applications can often resolve such issues and may also improve overall system performance and responsiveness when running the two together.

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