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Mac Client Uninstall


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I guess this is more so a general question then issue. How or what is the process to remove the endpoint client from the always annoying Mac's?

My boss is getting an unable to scan error on his Malware bytes client and i want to do an uninstall reinstall after we did some policy changes.

He was able to reinstall it using the .pkg file but i don't think it uninstalled it, and i can't really diag or troubleshoot much further without being confident in it being fully uninstalled.
Anyone have the process outlined or a walk through or something? Seems like uninstall instructions for Endpoint for Mac's is very minimal if any.

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2 minutes ago, djacobson said:

@AverageCiscoGuy does the endpoint show as online in your cloud portal? If so, you can click the box next to it in the endpoint view and click delete, it will automatically uninstall. If it shows as offline, we'll need to do more hands on work.

It isn't which i'm assuming is potentially related to the scanning issue. I hate delete as a pending task for his endpoint but it isn't connecting so i'm out of luck.

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2 minutes ago, djacobson said:

Their support KB also says to then empty the trash - https://support.apple.com/kb/PH25083?locale=en_US

Let me know if that helps out, I'm not that versed in Mac anymore, last one I had was an Apple II!

Yeah normally i would just drag it to the trash but it isn't listed in applications sooo....lol scratching my head about it.

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25 minutes ago, KDawg said:

As well just wanted to clarify, please ensure that these policy changes include the Incident Response module being enabled for Mac endpoints. This will be required for scan command to be successful.




So Incident response needs ON for MACs but OFF for PC's by default......is that correct?

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