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I manually scan with MalwareBytes free almost every day when I start work.

Each time it runs I see two errors logged in my Windows System event log:



These are the only errors my system logs - it's a carefully maintained, stable Windows 8.1 system.  The MalwareBytes version is current.


My first question is this:

Does everyone see these errors logged during MalwareBytes scans?

For security/privacy reasons, I'm not going to be able to run 3rd party software or send in data.  If the above is not expected behavior, please consider this a bug report.


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Is anything found during these scans where this happens? If not, there's probably something going on here, but unfortunately without additional logs we won't be able to fix this as we don't know what's going on. I know you mentioned you can't send in any data, but if you are able to at some point, please gather the logs below. You can private message me the logs or email them to dcollins@malwarebytes.com if you have concerns about posting the data publicly


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Thanks for responding.  No, nothing is found.  And it has been doing this literally for years.

I guess you're saying these error messages shouldn't be seen, then?  Have you specifically verified this on a Windows 8.1 system?  I know the usage of Windows 8.1 isn't as common as 7 or 10.

I don't believe I can get approval to run the FRST tool, though I'll look into it again.


Edited by NoelC
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