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I noticed that I didn't have an uninstall option in the control panel so I downloaded the clean tool and it couldn't uninstall version  I deactivated the program before using the clean tool

I also tried booting into safe mode and still couldn't uninstall.  I also ran the clean tool as "administrator".  Could it be because I originally installed the program into a directory called C:\Program Files (x86)\Security and the delete tool can't find that folder?  I think the tool did delete the ProgramData\Malwarebytes directory.  

Is my only option to manually delete the C:\Program Files (x86)\Security\Malwarebytes program folder and then search the registry for all keys relating to Malwarebytes?   I can't start the program anymore although the files are in the Malwarebytes program directory.  I do see an Uninstall Malwarebytes shortcut in the C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware directory but it gives me the error in the image file (see link).  Any help would be appreciated.  I would like to install version 3.




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Can you try running the old mbam-clean from xxx The new mb-clean is aimed at cleaning up 3.x, but does support cleaning up most installs of 2.x. You may have found a situation where it doesn't though.


Post updated [02/12/2021 - AdvancedSetup]

The following MBST tool should be used to perform a clean removal and reinstall


Edited by AdvancedSetup
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Thanks for responding.  I tried the older  version of mbam-clean.  This time I got the reboot message but it didn't delete the Malwarebytes directory or files.  I tried it in sale mode as well as ran it as administrator.  I also tried using the uninstall executable file from the Malwarebytes directory in both full and safe boots and still got the error message.

What's the procedure for manual deletion?   I can probably find all the directories including where it's location in the Roaming area of Windows 10, but will using something like Niroft's Regscanner give me all the registry keys needed for deletion using a Malwarebytes search?   I probably have to search for the Mbam service, too.  I've had to go this route on occasion for other programs.  These are the times when I'm sorry I didn't purchase a good unintall utility like Total Uninstall:  https://www.martau.com.  It not only tracks all files installed but registry keys, too.

I'm thinking the Windows 10 upgrade from Windows 7 probably caused some problems.  There's got to be a reason that the program wasn't listed in the Control Panel Programs area.

By the way, Malwarebytes always flags some of those grear Nirsoft utilities and I have to create exceptions for them.

Edited by Zettabyte
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I deleted all traces of the Malwarebytes directories that i could find and all registry entries using Nirsoft's Reg Scanner.  I then loaded ver 3 and it's running smoothly  I read the txt files the the above programs created and since I'm planning a thorough reinstall of Windows 10 (and possibly a dual boot with Linux), I didn't think it was worth your time to go through the whole process of cleaning and checking.   In addition, I'm not a big fan of constantly leaving logs on forums.

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