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Default GUI View for MB3

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Is there any way to set the default view off of the dashboard and onto the scan tab? to make custom scan quicker to get to when drives are attached, which for me is always =) or a way to setup a custom scan as default from dashboard? (otherwise it only scans my local system and not my usb connected drives which get quite a bit of use and need to be checked as well, its gets slightly annoying after a while to always have to switch tabs)

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Thanks, even an option to default to scan all drives would be enough of an option to make it less of a pain, I'm a member of Techbench so I use toolset for our customers, but I would like my personal MB3 to be able to do this without having to use Toolset on my machine...or switching tabs...

Edited by uturn0427
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Is it a question of wanting MB3 to scan new drives whenever they are attached or do you just frequently have external drives attached to your system and wish for them to be included in scans by default or is it something else that you are requesting?

Also, I don't know if you knew this or not, but you can actually use the right-click context menu scan function to scan a USB attached drive by accessing Computer in Windows Explorer and right-clicking the drive and selecting the option to scan with Malwarebytes.

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