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I've been working with developer on and off, and I asked him to do a email footer addon in my HTML file for email marketing. After, he completed the file and sent it to me via fiverr, there was some images that were not viewable and he said he got to fix it, and then instead of him re-coding the HTML file, he asked for Skype access to do it live and I kept asking him why when he can just review the html and resend it via skype like we always had, and he kept saying it was quicker and bla bla bla.

And he said he's just fixing the code and I can see exactly what hes doing and if there is something that doesnt look right I can stop sharing. So I said okay.

We were on Skype screen session then TeamViewer session and he opened up the HTML file in notepad and we-pasted the code and it worked.

Malwarebyes web protection was off thanks to the bad update, but it didnt pick anything up and after reinstalling the new version and I did a full scan and nothing was detected.

Couldve he done something either behind the screen as he had access in TeamViewer or install a certain code in HTML that can be harmful or am I just paranoid as hell?

Is malware scan deep enough to scan for threats or is there something extra I can do?



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