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My latest attempt to update MBAM Pemium (now Malwarebytes 3?) resulted in the MBAM icons disappearing from my desktop and system tray in Windows XP.  I noticed the missing icons after following instructions to restart to complete the update.  A search in my Program Files showed nothing in the Malwarebytes folder and the Add-Remove Programs no longer lists MBAM.  I was hesitant to reinstall everything for fear it may negate my current user license and settings.   The symptoms sound very similar to another thread called " Malwarebytes uninstalled itself."  

Thank you,  moonshadow 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Suddenly, my Windows XP Office Pro 2003 programs such as Word, Excel, and Publisher will not open files.  Adobe Reader, perhaps others, will not open either.  Also, browsers like Google Chrome and IE will not open even though it is connected to the internet.  No links will work.  Although Outlook 2003 will open and load new mail, an error message saying "Microsoft Word is set to be your email editor however, Word is not available, not installed, or is not the same version as Outlook. The Outlook email editor will be used instead.  The program for the attachment may not have been installed properly, or may have been moved or deleted." 

This all happened coincidentally right after updating MBAM to Malwarebytes 3 about 2 weeks ago.  The first update was faulty, resulting in Malwarebytes 3 deleting itself. I was later provided a new link with corrections.  Thank you.


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Thanks Ron,

Since the browsers, links, and files on my computer don't open, I'm using another computer or iPhone to read your responses.  Nothing has been done on my computer to resolve the current problem, so yes - the issues remain after restarting my computer.  

I don't know if my old topic (Malwarebytes 3 removing itself) and new topic (Office files and browsers don't open) are related but the problem started after installing the corrected Malwarebytes 3.  I guess it seems confusing to merge the two topics. 

Best, moonshadow

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Hi Ron,

There may be a misunderstanding. Malwarebytes 3 runs fine now with the corrected link so I do not need assistance with starting MWB 3.  MWB staff nikhils confirmed this so the previous case should be closed by now.  To repeat, after the first attempt at downloading MWB 3, it removed itself but the problem was resolved with the new link with a corrected MWB 3 version.  I only mentioned this issue because my current problem with the internet browsers and MS Office not launching began coincidentally (?) after downloading and running the corrected MWB 3.  Again, MWB 3 runs fine now and no threats were detected as of 1 hour ago.   

I do see many people experiencing my current problem with their browsers, links, and MS Office XP Word and other files not opening up in a normal fashion - even when connected to the internet.  I'm asking for assistance in specifically resolving this issue, not MWB 3 - unless you're saying it's all related.  The solutions being offered, however, don't appear to tie in with MWB 3.  

FYI, it appears that the MWB link you sent refers to Windows 7 and 10 users.  I have Windows XP.  

Thank you, moonshadow

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I'm sorry. I was under the impression that you got Malwarebytes working, but that it quit again.  No, you do not need to run that other scanner at this time.

Okay, if Malwarebytes is working and just browsers and Office are having an issue let's investigate that.

Please open Malwarebytes, go to Settings -> Protection ->  scroll down and make sure that the "Enable self-protection module" is Off.

If it is on, switch it Off and restart the computer and let me know if there is any change or not.




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Restart shows no change. MWB Enable self-protection module was On so it was turned Off. 

Browsers and Office still will not launch and links do not work.  Also tried opening an Excel attachment in Outlook without success saying "System could not find the file specified."  Copied this Excel file to Explore and tried to open it but Excel would not launch.  Tried to forward a mail to another address but got the message:  "Microsoft Word is set to be your email editor however, Word is not available, not installed, or is not the same version as Outlook. The Outlook email editor will be used instead.  The program for the attachment may not have been installed properly, or may have been moved or deleted." 

Thanks, moonshadow

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