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Can't connect to proxy server after installing Malwarebytes

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My husband's laptop had a couple of Trojans that caused me to reinstall Malwarebytes (latest version installed).  I was able to quarantine the Trojans but now we can't connect to the Internet.  We get a message that the computer is unable to connect to the proxy server.  Meanwhile my desktop is able to connect to the Internet (it's on the same network) and the laptop shows there is Internet connection in settings.  I disconnected and reconnected the Internet via settings but still got the message.   I ran Windows troubleshooter but it was unable to fix the problem.  I disconnected the laptop from the Internet via settings, rebooted the laptop, made sure the settings were correct for the Internet connection but I get the same message.  I am at a loss as to what else I can do at this point.  Any ideas would be helpful.

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It would not be a bad idea to get the system checked out as mentioned by @Telos... that being said you may want to check the LAN Settings in IE to make sure something was not added there by the malware you removed.

Open IE the Go To Tools -> Internet Options -> Connections Tab -> LAN Settings -> If Proxy is checked then uncheck it.


uncheck proxy.jpg

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Thanks for your help.  Actually, the Auto-detect proxy settings for this network in settings  was not checked in Internet Options on Firefox and the information you replied pointed me in the right direction.  I assume that the trojans had something to do with this happening.  At least, it seems to be fixed now.

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