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Hello, I have purchased Malware Premium, installed it and activated the license. in june 2017. Version 3.2.2. It happens for the fourth time now that the program disapears from my desktop. I have Windows 10. It's very anoying and it cost me a lot of time to re-install the program again and again. What is going on and how can I prevent this?

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2.  The pictogram and the program itself are just vanished from my pc.
      The system does not crash neither I have a blue screen crash. Everything seems normal.
3.   I do not get any error message before the program disapears.

When I run FRST it gives an error message that it cannot find the E disk. This means that the mb-check-results.zip does not exist. However FRST does creates the log files seperately  so I attached them here.



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Can you please grab your windows update logs? To do this, perform the following:

  1. Navigate to C:\Windows\Logs
  2. Right click on WindowsUpdate and choose Send to -> Compressed (Zipped) folder
  3. This should prompt you to create the file on your desktop
  4. Once the zip is created on your desktop, please upload it here or private message it to me
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